>pḆaaWU=p@jaWUlSbaWU=p>pḆaaWU=p>pḆaaWU@=p >pḆaaWU=pXqwaWUlSbaWU=p >pḆaaWU=pP>pḆaaWU=pS>pḆaaWU@=pV>pḆaaWU=pY>pḆaaWU>p\>pḆaaWU@>pkaWUlSbaWU')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function neq($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::NEQ, $y); } /** * Creates a lower-than comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a < . Example: * * [php] * // u.id < ? * $q->where($q->expr()->lt('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function lt($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::LT, $y); } /** * Creates a lower-than-equal comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a <= . Example: * * [php] * // u.id <= ? * $q->where($q->expr()->lte('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function lte($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::LTE, $y); } /** * Creates a greater-than comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a > . Example: * * [php] * // u.id > ? * $q->where($q->expr()->gt('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function gt($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::GT, $y); } /** * Creates a greater-than-equal comparison expression with the given arguments. * First argument is considered the left expression and the second is the right expression. * When converted to string, it will generated a >= . Example: * * [php] * // u.id >= ? * $q->where($q->expr()->gte('u.id', '?')); * * @param mixed $x The left expression. * @param mixed $y The right expression. * * @return string */ public function gte($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, self::GTE, $y); } /** * Creates an IS NULL expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be restricted by IS NULL. * * @return string */ public function isNull($x) { return $x . ' IS NULL'; } /** * Creates an IS NOT NULL expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be restricted by IS NOT NULL. * * @return string */ public function isNotNull($x) { return $x . ' IS NOT NULL'; } /** * Creates a LIKE() comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be inspected by the LIKE comparison * @param mixed $y The pattern to compare against * * @return string */ public function like($x, $y/*, ?string $escapeChar = null */) { return $this->comparison($x, 'LIKE', $y) . (func_num_args() >= 3 ? sprintf(' ESCAPE %s', func_get_arg(2)) : ''); } /** * Creates a NOT LIKE() comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The expression to be inspected by the NOT LIKE comparison * @param mixed $y The pattern to compare against * * @return string */ public function notLike($x, $y/*, ?string $escapeChar = null */) { return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT LIKE', $y) . (func_num_args() >= 3 ? sprintf(' ESCAPE %s', func_get_arg(2)) : ''); } /** * Creates an IN () comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The SQL expression to be matched against the set. * @param string|string[] $y The SQL expression or an array of SQL expressions representing the set. * * @return string */ public function in($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, 'IN', '(' . implode(', ', (array) $y) . ')'); } /** * Creates a NOT IN () comparison expression with the given arguments. * * @param string $x The SQL expression to be matched against the set. * @param string|string[] $y The SQL expression or an array of SQL expressions representing the set. * * @return string */ public function notIn($x, $y) { return $this->comparison($x, 'NOT IN', '(' . implode(', ', (array) $y) . ')'); } /** * Builds an SQL literal from a given input parameter. * * The usage of this method is discouraged. Use prepared statements * or {@see AbstractPlatform::quoteStringLiteral()} instead. * * @param mixed $input The parameter to be quoted. * @param int|null $type The type of the parameter. * * @return string */ public function literal($input, $type = null) { return $this->connection->quote($input, $type); } } An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

Oops! An Error Occurred

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.