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" %s WHERE " . Database::quoteIdentifier(static::$strPk) . "=?") ->set($arrSet) ->execute($intPk); $this->postSave(self::UPDATE); $this->arrModified = array(); // reset after postSave() } // The model is not yet in the registry else { $arrSet = $this->row(); // Remove fields that do not exist in the DB foreach ($arrSet as $k=>$v) { if (!\in_array($k, $arrFields)) { unset($arrSet[$k]); } } $arrSet = $this->preSave($arrSet); // No modified fields if (empty($arrSet)) { return $this; } // Insert a new row $stmt = $objDatabase->prepare("INSERT INTO " . static::$strTable . " %s") ->set($arrSet) ->execute(); if (static::$strPk == 'id') { $this->id = $stmt->insertId; } $this->postSave(self::INSERT); $this->arrModified = array(); // reset after postSave() Registry::getInstance()->register($this); } return $this; } /** * Modify the current row before it is stored in the database * * @param array $arrSet The data array * * @return array The modified data array */ protected function preSave(array $arrSet) { return $arrSet; } /** * Modify the current row after it has been stored in the database * * @param integer $intType The query type (Model::INSERT or Model::UPDATE) */ protected function postSave($intType) { if ($intType == self::INSERT) { $this->refresh(); // might have been modified by default values or triggers } } /** * Delete the current record and return the number of affected rows * * @return integer The number of affected rows */ public function delete() { // Track primary key changes $intPk = $this->arrModified[static::$strPk] ?? $this->{static::$strPk}; // Delete the row $intAffected = Database::getInstance()->prepare("DELETE FROM " . static::$strTable . " WHERE " . Database::quoteIdentifier(static::$strPk) . "=?") ->execute($intPk) ->affectedRows; if ($intAffected) { // Unregister the model Registry::getInstance()->unregister($this); // Remove the primary key (see #6162) $this->arrData[static::$strPk] = null; } return $intAffected; } /** * Lazy load related records * * @param string $strKey The property name * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return static|Collection|null The model or a model collection if there are multiple rows * * @throws \Exception If $strKey is not a related field */ public function getRelated($strKey, array $arrOptions=array()) { // The related model has been loaded before if (\array_key_exists($strKey, $this->arrRelated)) { return $this->arrRelated[$strKey]; } // The relation does not exist if (!isset($this->arrRelations[$strKey])) { $table = static::getTable(); throw new \Exception("Field $table.$strKey does not seem to be related"); } // The relation exists but there is no reference yet (see #6161 and #458) if (empty($this->$strKey)) { return null; } $arrRelation = $this->arrRelations[$strKey]; /** @var static $strClass */ $strClass = static::getClassFromTable($arrRelation['table']); // Load the related record(s) if ($arrRelation['type'] == 'hasOne' || $arrRelation['type'] == 'belongsTo') { $this->arrRelated[$strKey] = $strClass::findOneBy($arrRelation['field'], $this->$strKey, $arrOptions); } elseif ($arrRelation['type'] == 'hasMany' || $arrRelation['type'] == 'belongsToMany') { if (isset($arrRelation['delimiter'])) { $arrValues = StringUtil::trimsplit($arrRelation['delimiter'], $this->$strKey); } else { $arrValues = StringUtil::deserialize($this->$strKey, true); } $objModel = null; if (\is_array($arrValues)) { // Handle UUIDs (see #6525 and #8850) if ($arrRelation['table'] == 'tl_files' && $arrRelation['field'] == 'uuid') { /** @var FilesModel $strClass */ $objModel = $strClass::findMultipleByUuids($arrValues, $arrOptions); } else { $strField = $arrRelation['table'] . '.' . Database::quoteIdentifier($arrRelation['field']); $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'order' => Database::getInstance()->findInSet($strField, $arrValues) ), $arrOptions ); $objModel = $strClass::findBy(array($strField . " IN('" . implode("','", $arrValues) . "')"), null, $arrOptions); } } $this->arrRelated[$strKey] = $objModel; } return $this->arrRelated[$strKey]; } /** * Reload the data from the database discarding all modifications */ public function refresh() { // Track primary key changes $intPk = $this->arrModified[static::$strPk] ?? $this->{static::$strPk}; // Reload the database record $res = Database::getInstance()->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . static::$strTable . " WHERE " . Database::quoteIdentifier(static::$strPk) . "=?") ->execute($intPk); $this->setRow($res->row()); } /** * Detach the model from the registry * * @param boolean $blnKeepClone Keeps a clone of the model in the registry */ public function detach($blnKeepClone=true) { $registry = Registry::getInstance(); if (!$registry->isRegistered($this)) { return; } $registry->unregister($this); if ($blnKeepClone) { $this->cloneOriginal()->attach(); } } /** * Attach the model to the registry */ public function attach() { Registry::getInstance()->register($this); } /** * Called when the model is attached to the model registry * * @param Registry $registry The model registry */ public function onRegister(Registry $registry) { // Register aliases to unique fields foreach (static::getUniqueFields() as $strColumn) { $varAliasValue = $this->{$strColumn}; if (!$registry->isRegisteredAlias($this, $strColumn, $varAliasValue)) { $registry->registerAlias($this, $strColumn, $varAliasValue); } } } /** * Called when the model is detached from the model registry * * @param Registry $registry The model registry */ public function onUnregister(Registry $registry) { // Unregister aliases to unique fields foreach (static::getUniqueFields() as $strColumn) { $varAliasValue = $this->{$strColumn}; if ($registry->isRegisteredAlias($this, $strColumn, $varAliasValue)) { $registry->unregisterAlias($this, $strColumn, $varAliasValue); } } } /** * Prevent saving the model * * @param boolean $blnKeepClone Keeps a clone of the model in the registry */ public function preventSaving($blnKeepClone=true) { $this->detach($blnKeepClone); $this->blnPreventSaving = true; } /** * Find a single record by its primary key * * @param mixed $varValue The property value * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return static The model or null if the result is empty */ public static function findByPk($varValue, array $arrOptions=array()) { if ($varValue === null) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Passing "null" as primary key has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', __CLASS__); return null; } // Try to load from the registry if (empty($arrOptions)) { $objModel = Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $varValue); if ($objModel !== null) { return $objModel; } } $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'limit' => 1, 'column' => static::$strPk, 'value' => $varValue, 'return' => 'Model' ), $arrOptions ); return static::find($arrOptions); } /** * Find a single record by its ID or alias * * @param mixed $varId The ID or alias * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return static The model or null if the result is empty */ public static function findByIdOrAlias($varId, array $arrOptions=array()) { $isAlias = !preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/', $varId); // Try to load from the registry if (!$isAlias && empty($arrOptions)) { $objModel = Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $varId); if ($objModel !== null) { return $objModel; } } $t = static::$strTable; $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'limit' => 1, 'column' => $isAlias ? array("BINARY $t.alias=?") : array("$t.id=?"), 'value' => $varId, 'return' => 'Model' ), $arrOptions ); return static::find($arrOptions); } /** * Find multiple records by their IDs * * @param array $arrIds An array of IDs * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return Collection|null The model collection or null if there are no records */ public static function findMultipleByIds($arrIds, array $arrOptions=array()) { if (empty($arrIds) || !\is_array($arrIds)) { return null; } $arrRegistered = array(); $arrUnregistered = array(); // Search for registered models foreach ($arrIds as $intId) { if (empty($arrOptions)) { $arrRegistered[$intId] = Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $intId); } if (!isset($arrRegistered[$intId])) { $arrUnregistered[] = $intId; } } // Fetch only the missing models from the database if (!empty($arrUnregistered)) { $t = static::$strTable; $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'column' => array("$t.id IN(" . implode(',', array_map('\intval', $arrUnregistered)) . ")"), 'order' => Database::getInstance()->findInSet("$t.id", $arrIds), 'return' => 'Collection' ), $arrOptions ); $objMissing = static::find($arrOptions); if ($objMissing !== null) { foreach ($objMissing as $objCurrent) { $intId = $objCurrent->{static::$strPk}; $arrRegistered[$intId] = $objCurrent; } } } $arrRegistered = array_filter(array_values($arrRegistered)); if (empty($arrRegistered)) { return null; } return static::createCollection($arrRegistered, static::$strTable); } /** * Find a single record by various criteria * * @param mixed $strColumn The property name * @param mixed $varValue The property value * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return static The model or null if the result is empty */ public static function findOneBy($strColumn, $varValue, array $arrOptions=array()) { $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'limit' => 1, 'column' => $strColumn, 'value' => $varValue, 'return' => 'Model' ), $arrOptions ); return static::find($arrOptions); } /** * Find records by various criteria * * @param mixed $strColumn The property name * @param mixed $varValue The property value * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return static|Collection|null A model, model collection or null if the result is empty */ public static function findBy($strColumn, $varValue, array $arrOptions=array()) { $blnModel = false; $arrColumn = (array) $strColumn; if (\count($arrColumn) == 1 && ($arrColumn[0] === static::getPk() || \in_array($arrColumn[0], static::getUniqueFields()))) { $blnModel = true; if ($varValue === null && $arrColumn[0] === static::getPk()) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Passing "null" as primary key has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', __CLASS__); return null; } } $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'column' => $strColumn, 'value' => $varValue, 'return' => $blnModel ? 'Model' : 'Collection' ), $arrOptions ); return static::find($arrOptions); } /** * Find all records * * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return Collection|null The model collection or null if the result is empty */ public static function findAll(array $arrOptions=array()) { $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'return' => 'Collection' ), $arrOptions ); return static::find($arrOptions); } /** * Magic method to map Model::findByName() to Model::findBy('name') * * @param string $name The method name * @param array $args The passed arguments * * @return static|Collection|integer|null A model or model collection * * @throws \Exception If the method name is invalid */ public static function __callStatic($name, $args) { if (strncmp($name, 'findBy', 6) === 0) { array_unshift($args, lcfirst(substr($name, 6))); return static::findBy(...$args); } if (strncmp($name, 'findOneBy', 9) === 0) { array_unshift($args, lcfirst(substr($name, 9))); return static::findOneBy(...$args); } if (strncmp($name, 'countBy', 7) === 0) { array_unshift($args, lcfirst(substr($name, 7))); return static::countBy(...$args); } throw new \Exception("Unknown method $name"); } /** * Find records and return the model or model collection * * Supported options: * * * column: the field name * * value: the field value * * limit: the maximum number of rows * * offset: the number of rows to skip * * order: the sorting order * * eager: load all related records eagerly * * @param array $arrOptions The options array * * @return Model|Model[]|Collection|null A model, model collection or null if the result is empty */ protected static function find(array $arrOptions) { if (!static::$strTable) { return null; } // Try to load from the registry if (($arrOptions['return'] ?? null) == 'Model') { $arrColumn = (array) $arrOptions['column']; if (\count($arrColumn) == 1) { // Support table prefixes $arrColumn[0] = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(static::getTable(), '/') . '\./', '', $arrColumn[0]); if ($arrColumn[0] == static::$strPk || \in_array($arrColumn[0], static::getUniqueFields())) { $varKey = \is_array($arrOptions['value'] ?? null) ? $arrOptions['value'][0] : ($arrOptions['value'] ?? null); $objModel = Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $varKey, $arrColumn[0]); if ($objModel !== null) { return $objModel; } } } } $arrOptions['table'] = static::$strTable; $strQuery = static::buildFindQuery($arrOptions); $objStatement = Database::getInstance()->prepare($strQuery); // Defaults for limit and offset if (!isset($arrOptions['limit'])) { $arrOptions['limit'] = 0; } if (!isset($arrOptions['offset'])) { $arrOptions['offset'] = 0; } // Limit if ($arrOptions['limit'] > 0 || $arrOptions['offset'] > 0) { $objStatement->limit($arrOptions['limit'], $arrOptions['offset']); } if (!\array_key_exists('value', $arrOptions)) { $arrOptions['value'] = array(); } $objStatement = static::preFind($objStatement); $objResult = $objStatement->execute(...array_values(\is_array($arrOptions['value']) ? $arrOptions['value'] : array($arrOptions['value']))); if ($objResult->numRows < 1) { return ($arrOptions['return'] ?? null) == 'Array' ? array() : null; } $objResult = static::postFind($objResult); // Try to load from the registry if (($arrOptions['return'] ?? null) == 'Model') { $objModel = Registry::getInstance()->fetch(static::$strTable, $objResult->{static::$strPk}); if ($objModel !== null) { return $objModel->mergeRow($objResult->row()); } return static::createModelFromDbResult($objResult); } if (($arrOptions['return'] ?? null) == 'Array') { return static::createCollectionFromDbResult($objResult, static::$strTable)->getModels(); } return static::createCollectionFromDbResult($objResult, static::$strTable); } /** * Modify the database statement before it is executed * * @param Statement $objStatement The database statement object * * @return Statement The database statement object */ protected static function preFind(Statement $objStatement) { return $objStatement; } /** * Modify the database result before the model is created * * @param Result $objResult The database result object * * @return Result The database result object */ protected static function postFind(Result $objResult) { return $objResult; } /** * Return the number of records matching certain criteria * * @param mixed $strColumn An optional property name * @param mixed $varValue An optional property value * @param array $arrOptions An optional options array * * @return integer The number of matching rows */ public static function countBy($strColumn=null, $varValue=null, array $arrOptions=array()) { if (!static::$strTable) { return 0; } $arrOptions = array_merge ( array ( 'table' => static::$strTable, 'column' => $strColumn, 'value' => $varValue ), $arrOptions ); $strQuery = static::buildCountQuery($arrOptions); return (int) Database::getInstance()->prepare($strQuery)->execute(...(array) ($arrOptions['value'] ?? array()))->count; } /** * Return the total number of rows * * @return integer The total number of rows */ public static function countAll() { return static::countBy(); } /** * Compile a Model class name from a table name (e.g. tl_form_field becomes FormFieldModel) * * @param string $strTable The table name * * @return class-string The model class name */ public static function getClassFromTable($strTable) { if (isset(static::$arrClassNames[$strTable])) { return static::$arrClassNames[$strTable]; } if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][$strTable])) { static::$arrClassNames[$strTable] = $GLOBALS['TL_MODELS'][$strTable]; // see 4796 return static::$arrClassNames[$strTable]; } trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.10', sprintf('Not registering table "%s" in $GLOBALS[\'TL_MODELS\'] has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.', $strTable)); $arrChunks = explode('_', $strTable); if ($arrChunks[0] == 'tl') { array_shift($arrChunks); } static::$arrClassNames[$strTable] = implode('', array_map('ucfirst', $arrChunks)) . 'Model'; return static::$arrClassNames[$strTable]; } /** * Build a query based on the given options * * @param array $arrOptions The options array * * @return string The query string */ protected static function buildFindQuery(array $arrOptions) { return QueryBuilder::find($arrOptions); } /** * Build a query based on the given options to count the number of records * * @param array $arrOptions The options array * * @return string The query string */ protected static function buildCountQuery(array $arrOptions) { return QueryBuilder::count($arrOptions); } /** * Create a model from a database result * * @param Result $objResult The database result object * * @return static The model */ protected static function createModelFromDbResult(Result $objResult) { /** * @var static $strClass * @var class-string $strClass */ $strClass = static::getClassFromTable(static::$strTable); return new $strClass($objResult); } /** * Create a Collection object * * @param array $arrModels An array of models * @param string $strTable The table name * * @return Collection The Collection object */ protected static function createCollection(array $arrModels, $strTable) { return new Collection($arrModels, $strTable); } /** * Create a new collection from a database result * * @param Result $objResult The database result object * @param string $strTable The table name * * @return Collection The model collection */ protected static function createCollectionFromDbResult(Result $objResult, $strTable) { return Collection::createFromDbResult($objResult, $strTable); } /** * Check if the preview mode is enabled * * @param array $arrOptions The options array * * @return boolean */ protected static function isPreviewMode(array $arrOptions) { if (isset($arrOptions['ignoreFePreview'])) { return false; } return System::getContainer()->get('contao.security.token_checker')->isPreviewMode(); } } class_alias(Model::class, 'Model'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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